The Ecstasy of St. Teresa
Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria
It was commissioned by Cardinal Federico Cornaro for the chapel of his family. Here, Bernini created one of his greatest masterpieces. The entire chapel was conceived as theatrical space, typically baroque, with numerous little side stages from the which the patrons can admire the miraculous event: the spanish saint being struck by faith, symbolically represented by the arrow being shot by the angel and the rays of divine light in bronze coming down from on high.

Works in Italy
Basilica di San Pietro
San Longino / Busto di Paolo V / Busto di Antonio Coppola / Estasi Ludovica Albertoni / Cappella Cornaro / Anima Beata / Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi / Abacuc e l'Angelo / Cappella Raimondi / Santa Bibiana / Busti di Innocenzo X / Busto di Gabriele Fonseca / Angelo con la Corona di Spine / Fontana dei Fiumi / Fontana del Tritone / Elefantino della Minerva (Pulcino della Minerva) / Fontana delle Api / Elefante Obeliscoforo / Fontana del Leone
Works around the world