The baldachin is placed in correspondence with the underground tomb of Saint Peter and subsequently covers the main altar of the basilica. The great sculptor and architect created it with the help of various artists including Borromini on a commission from Urban VIII Barberini, in the form of a processional catafalque (a type of suspended canopy) suspended by twisted columns. At the back of the apse is the splendid Cattedra (the Chair of Saint Peter) held up by the fathers of the Church, an incredible baroque piece which contains the relic of the actual wooden cattedra thought to be that of Saint Peter.
St. Peter's Basilica
San Longino / Busto di Paolo V / Busto di Antonio Coppola / Ecstasy Ludovica Albertoni / Cappella Cornaro / Four Rivers Fountain / Anima Beata / Havakuk and the Angel / Santa Bibiana / Cappella Raimondi / Busti di Innocenzo X / Busto di Gabriele Fonseca / Angelo con la Corona di Spine / Rivers Fountain / Fontana del Tritone / Elefantino della Minerva (Pulcino della Minerva) / Fountain of the Bees / Elefante Obeliscoforo / Fontana del Leone