In 1669 Pope Clement IX was succeeded by Clement X Altieri. During his pontificate the Scala Regia (Royal Staircase) was inaugurated; at the foot of the staircase is a statue of Constantine, in the moment he had the vision of the Cross: he is marvelled and surprised and his feelings are mirrored and expanded by the position of the horse he is riding. In the background fabric blown by the wind gives spatial depth to the whole picture.

Works in Italy
Basilica di San Pietro
San Longino / Busto di Paolo V / Busto di Antonio Coppola / Estasi Ludovica Albertoni / Cappella Cornaro / Anima Beata / Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi / Abacuc e l'Angelo / Cappella Raimondi / Santa Bibiana / Busti di Innocenzo X / Busto di Gabriele Fonseca / Angelo con la Corona di Spine / Fontana dei Fiumi / Fontana del Tritone / Elefantino della Minerva (Pulcino della Minerva) / Fontana delle Api / Elefante Obeliscoforo / Fontana del Leone
Works around the world