Basilica di St. Maria del Popolo
The celebrated painter from Umbria frescoed the vaulted ceiling of the choir that, just a few years before, had been restored by Bramante. In a perfect geometrical work of octagons, ovals, aediculas, grotesques, the central image depicts the Virgin crowned by Christ and surrounded by figures that celebrate the history of the Church, from prophecies (Sybils), to the testimony of those who lived closely with Jesus (Evangelists), up to the great theologians (Doctors).
Appartamento Borgia
1492 | Affresco
Penelope con i Proci
1509 | Affresco | 152 x 125 cm.
Storie San Bernardino da Siena (Cappella Bufalini)
1484 | Affresco
Incoronazione della Vergine, Evangelisti, Dottori e Sibille
1509 | Affresco
Pala di Santa Maria de' Fossi
1495 | Tempera su tavola
Madonna col bambino benedicente
1480 | Olio su tavola
Crocifisso tra i santi Girolamo e Cristoforo
1475 | Olio su tavola | 40 x 59 cm.
Madonna col Bambino benedicente
1480 | Tempera su tavola | 35 x 53 cm.
Works in Italy
Works around the world