The Last Judgement
National Gallery of Ancient Art of Palazzo Corsini
The work is a prayer triptych whose side panels depict, respectively, the Pentecost and the Preaching of Saint Peter on the left and the Ascension of Christ on the right. The center piece is the principal subject: Christ is placed inside an almond with his right arm raised to signal the start of The Last Judgement, at his side are the Apostles, the founding saints of the religious orders and the Pope, identified as either Sixtus II or Eugene IV.
Cappella Niccolina
1447 | Affresco
Giudizio Universale
1447 | Tempera su tavola
Madonna col Bambino
1450 | Tempera, olio e oro su tavola
1432 | Tempera su tavola | 176 x 185 cm.
Pala di San Marco
Tempera su tavola | 220 x 227 cm.
Tabernacolo dei Linaioli
1432 | Tempera su tavola | 260 x 330 cm.
Ciclo affrescato del convento di San Marco
1338 | Affresco
Madonna col bambino
1430 | Tempera | 189 x 81 cm.
Deposizione dalla croce
1432 | Tempera | 176 x 185 cm.
Madonna col bambino e dodici angeli
1430 | Tempera | 37 x 27 cm.
1424 | Tempera | 154 x 194 cm.
Incoronazione della Vergine
1434 | Tempera | 213 x 211 cm.
Works in Italy
Works around the world