Galleria Sabauda
Torino, piazzetta Reale 1
- Address: piazzetta Reale 1
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: +39 011 5641729
- Booking E-Mail:
- Booking phone#: +39 011 4361455
- Opening: From Tuesday to Sunday: from 9am to 7pm (last entrance at 6pm).
closed on Mondays. - Price: Polo Reale ticket valid for Museum of antiquities, Royal Palace, Royal armoury and Galleria Sabauda: full rate € 12, discounted € 6, free entrance for visitors aged under 18.
Free entrance the first Sunday of each month.
The ticket office is situated in the Royal Palace.
For further information on special offers, discounted admission and ticketing please visit the web site or contact the information office. - Transportation: Stop 243 duomo-Polo Reale: lines 4, 6, 11, 27, 51, 57.
- Visit lasts: 1 hour e 30 minutes (about)
The Gallery, established in 1832 by King Carlo Alberto, had as first seat Palazzo Madama and was sold in 1860 by Vittorio Emanuele II to the state.
In 1865 he was transferred to the Palace of the Academy of Sciences, where he remained until 2012, when some selected works of its collections have been placed temporarily in the new center, on the ground floor of the so-called Manica Nuova (end '800), located between Palazzo Reale and the Archaeological Museum. The remaining collections were housed in the depot museum meanwhile prepared at the Cavallerizza of the Castle of Moncalieri.
On December 4, 2014 was inaugurated the new layout of the entire Galleria Sabauda in the four floors of the Manica Nuova building. The museum contains collections of the Palazzo Reale, Palazzo Carignano and Palazzo Durazzo in Genoa, then increased by purchases, especially of works of the Italian Renaissance, and various donations, among which the picture gallery of the Marquis Falletti of Barolo and the art collection old financier Riccardo Gualino.
In addition to painting Piedmont and Italian from the XIV to the XVI century, notable are the nuclei of Flemish painting of the XV and XVII century and international painting XVI and XVII centuries.
The Gallery, established in 1832 by King Carlo Alberto, had as first seat Palazzo Madama and was sold in 1860 by Vittorio Emanuele II to the state.
In 1865 he was transferred to the Palace of the Academy of Sciences, where he remained until 2012, when some selected works of its collections have been placed temporarily in the new center, on the ground floor of the so-called Manica Nuova (end '800), located between Palazzo Reale and the Archaeological Museum. The remaining collections were housed in the depot museum meanwhile prepared at the Cavallerizza of the Castle of Moncalieri.
On December 4, 2014 was inaugurated the new layout of the entire Galleria Sabauda in the four floors of the Manica Nuova building. The museum contains collections of the Palazzo Reale, Palazzo Carignano and Palazzo Durazzo in Genoa, then increased by purchases, especially of works of the Italian Renaissance, and various donations, among which the picture gallery of the Marquis Falletti of Barolo and the art collection old financier Riccardo Gualino.
In addition to painting Piedmont and Italian from the XIV to the XVI century, notable are the nuclei of Flemish painting of the XV and XVII century and international painting XVI and XVII centuries.
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