Giving of the Keys to St. Peter
Of the scenes completely by Perugino’s own hand, only the fresco Giving of the Keys to St. Peter has survived. The simple and lucid arrangement of the composition reveals the centre of narrative action, unlike the frescoes in the same series by the Florentine painter Sandro Botticelli, which, in comparison, appear overcrowded and confused in their narrative focus.
Crocifissione con la Maddalena, la Vergine, san Bernardo di Chiaravalle, san Giovanni Evangelista e san Benedetto
1494 | Affresco
Ultima Cena
1493 | Pala d'altare | 440 x 800 cm.
Madonna col Bambino in gloria e i Santi Giovanni Evangelista, Apollonia, Caterina d’Alessandria e Michele Arcangelo
Olio su tavola | 273 x 211 cm.
Adorazione dei magi
1472 | Olio su tavola | 180 x 241 cm.
Compianto sul Cristo morto
1495 | Olio su tavola | 195 x 220 cm.
Apollo e Dafne
1495 | Olio su tavola | 29 x 39 cm.
Sposalizio della Vergine
1500 | Olio su tavola | 186 x 236 cm.
Consegna delle chiavi a San Pietro
1482 | Affresco | 55 x 33 cm.
Works in Italy
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