Vatican Museums
Roma, Viale Vaticano
- Address: Viale Vaticano
- E-Ticketing WWW: http://
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- Phone#: +39 06 69884676
- Booking E-Mail:
- Opening: Mon - Sat 9 am - 4 pm | every last Sun of the month 9 am - 2 pm (last admission at 12.30 pm)
- Visit lasts: 1 hour e 30 minutes (about)
These include all the museums that make up the papal collections. Principally they are: The Picture Gallery, Museo Gregoriano Profano, Museo Pio Cristiano, Museo Gregoriano Egizio, Museo Chiaramonti, Museo Pio Clementino, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, The Gallery of Maps, The Raphael Rooms, The Sistine Chapel. The collection got underway at the beginning of the Renaissance in the Octagonal Courtyard, the Belvedere Courtyard and in the “casina” (a small house) of Pius IV in the Vatican Gardens, and after the dispersion of the counter-reformation, the collection was reorganized and expanded in the 1700s and 1800s, above all, thanks to Pius VII who created the Museo Chiaramonti, building the Braccio Nuovo which crossed right through the Belvedere Courtyard.
These include all the museums that make up the papal collections. Principally they are: The Picture Gallery, Museo Gregoriano Profano, Museo Pio Cristiano, Museo Gregoriano Egizio, Museo Chiaramonti, Museo Pio Clementino, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, The Gallery of Maps, The Raphael Rooms, The Sistine Chapel. The collection got underway at the beginning of the Renaissance in the Octagonal Courtyard, the Belvedere Courtyard and in the “casina” (a small house) of Pius IV in the Vatican Gardens, and after the dispersion of the counter-reformation, the collection was reorganized and expanded in the 1700s and 1800s, above all, thanks to Pius VII who created the Museo Chiaramonti, building the Braccio Nuovo which crossed right through the Belvedere Courtyard.
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