This scene is taken from mythology and recounts the story of one of Zeus’ Loves: the princess of Argos, Danae, imprisoned by her father Acrisius who was afraid of a prophecy of being dethroned by his nephew, is impregnated by Zeus who transforms into a golden shower to reach her. From their union Perseus was born. The painting only came to the Gallery in 1827 when Camillo Borghese bought it at an antique market.
1530 | Olio su tela
Madonna con il Bambino (Madonna Campori)
1517 | Olio su tavola
Assunzione della Vergine
1526 | Affresco
Decorazione della cupola di San Giovanni Evangelis
1520 | Affresco
Madonna di San Gerolamo
1525 | Olio su tela | 141 x 235 cm.
Giove ed Io
1532 | Olio su tela | 74 x 163 cm.
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