The Virgin of the Rocks
An elaborate sculpted altar was commissioned by the Milanese Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception for their oratory in San Francesco in 1480. A new contract was drawn up in 1483 with Leonardo and the de Predis brothers: a central panel was to be painted by Leonardo alone, and there were to be two side panels showing angels singing and playing musical instruments. Two paintings of angels (An Angel in Green with a Vielle and An Angel in Red with a Lute) by artists influenced by Leonardo, are undoubtedly those for the altarpiece.
'The Virgin of the Rocks' seems not to refer to the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, but depicts the type of subject that Leonardo might have painted in his native Florence where legends concerning the young Saint John the Baptist were popular.
Execution of the commission was protracted. Leonardo may only have put the finishing touches to it in 1508. The finished work was then sent to France, (now Paris, Louvre). Leonardo painted a replacement for San Francesco that was probably completed with some help from his studio in 1508, and which is now in the National Gallery Collection.
Madonna del Garofano
1473 | Dipinto
Ritratto di Ginevra Benci
1474 | Tempera su tavola
Madonna Benois
1478 | Dipinto
Madonna Litta
1490 | Dipinto
San Girolamo
1482 | Olio su tavola | 103 x 74 cm.
Ritratto di Vecchio
1515 | Sanguigna su carta
Codice sul volo degli uccelli
1505 | Matita e Inchiostro su carta
Sala delle Asse
Ritratto di musico
1485 | Olio su tavola | 32 x 44 cm.
Ultima Cena
1494 | Olio su muro
Codice Atlantico
Opera Letteraria
1472 | Olio e tempera su tavola | 217 x 98 cm.
Uomo Vitruviano
1490 | Disegno matita e inchiostro su carta bianca | 24 x 34 cm.
Monna Lisa o Gioconda
1503 | Olio su tavola | 53 x 77 cm.
Vergine delle Rocce
1494 | Olio su tavola | 120 x 189 cm.
Dama con l'Ermellino
1488 | Olio su tavola | 40 x 54 cm.
Adorazione dei Magi
1481 | Olio e tempera su tavola
Madonna Dreyfus
1469 | Olio su tavola
Battesimo di Cristo
1470 | Olio e tempera su tavola
Studio di volti per la Battaglia di Anghiari
1503 | Encausto
La Scapigliata
Codice Leicester
1506 | Libro antico
Codici Forster
1487 | Manoscritto
Codice Trivulziano
1478 | Manoscritto
Codice Windsor
1478 | Manoscritto
La Belle Ferronière
1490 | Olio su tavola | 45 x 63 cm.
San Giovanni Battista
1508 | Olio su tavola | 57 x 69 cm.
Sant’Anna, la Vergine e il Bambino
1510 | Olio su tavola | 130 x 168 cm.
Disegno matita e inchiostro su carta bianca
Salvator Mundi
1490 | Olio su tavola | 45 x 65 cm.
Works in Italy
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