The Rape of Europa
Europa was the daughter of Agenor, King of Tyre. Zeus fell in love with her and transformed himself into a docile bull in order to abduct her from the shore where she was playing. She climbed on his back and they swam away to Crete. She bore him three sons, Minos, Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon.
The myth, with its dark erotic undertones, was one of the most popular classical subjects for 17th-century paintings, although the inclusion of Cupid makes this example rather unusual. Europa is shown at the moment when her disquiet at being abducted begins to turn to love.
The painting was made for King Wladislaw of Poland, shortly before 1640, and its luminous tonality, studied elegance and strong pale colouring are typical of Reni's late style.
San Pietro e San Paolo
Olio su tela
Oratorio Santa Silvia
Olio su tela
Madonna col bambino dormiente
Olio su tela
Cappella di San Domenico - Apoteosi di San Domenico
1613 | Affresco
Strage degli innocenti
Olio su tela | 268 x 170 cm.
Pala della peste - Madonna col Bambino in gloria e i santi Petronio, Francesco, Ignazio, Francesco Saverio, Procolo e Floriano
Olio su tela | 382 x 242 cm.
San Carlo Borromeo con angeli
1613 | Olio su tela
Atalanta e Ippomene
1620 | Olio su tela
Fuga in Egitto
Olio su tela | 128 x 159 cm.
Nesso rapisce Deianira
1617 | Olio su tela | 193 x 239 cm.
Ritratto di Gentildonna
1615 | Olio su tela | 55 x 65 cm.
Il Ratto d' Europa
1637 | Olio su tela | 129 x 177 cm.
Olio su tela | 150 x 220 cm.
Incontro di Gesù e Giovanni Battista
Olio su tela
Works in Italy
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