The Beaneater
This is one of the masterpieces of the master from Bologna who, in this painting, tried his hand at the new tendency towards realism, but with a popularist touch, which took off thanks to the "bamboccianti", a school guided by flemish painter Pieter van Laer, also known as Bamboccio. Annibale, in his youth, often depicted similar scenes, even caricatures, before arriving at a more precise personal style that characterized his later and more celebrated works.
Mangiatore di Fagioli
1583 | Olio su tela
Olio su tela
Battesimo di Cristo
Olio su tela
Assunzione della Vergine
1592 | Olio su tela | 177 x 260 cm.
Madonna col Bambino in gloria e i Santi Lodovico,
1587 | Olio su tela | 193 x 278 cm.
Paesaggio con la Fuga in Egitto
1604 | Olio su tela | 230 x 122 cm.
Salma di Cristo
1583 | Olio su tela | 88 x 70 cm.
Gesù Cristo incoronato di spine
1597 | Olio su tela | 70 x 60 cm.
Works in Italy
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