Funeral Monument for Pope Innocent VIII
Vaticano, Prati

Tipologia di monumento funebre a muro, ebbe notevole influenza sull’ambiente artistico romano. Si distingue dai precedenti esempi poiché il defunto non compare solo sdraiato su un feretro, ma anche in piena vita nella parte superiore e in atto di benedire.
Pollaiolo, pochi anni prima, aveva già realizzato il Monumento Sisto IV (1484-93), oggi esposto nel Tesoro di San Pietro.
Pollaiolo, pochi anni prima, aveva già realizzato il Monumento Sisto IV (1484-93), oggi esposto nel Tesoro di San Pietro.
- Artist: Pollaiolo
- Location: Funeral Monument for Pope Innocent VIII
- Date: 1497
A typical wall monument, which had quite an impact on the roman artistic scene at the time. It is distinguishable from other preceding monuments of the kind because the deceased does not only appear stretched out above the coffin, but also full of life in the upper section and in the act of giving a benediction.
Pollaiolo, a few years earlier, had already created the monument for Sixtus IV (1484-93), today visible in the Treasury of Saint Peter's.
THINGS TO KNOW: On the tomb, the only one left from the ancient basilica, is written, “During his reign, the discovery of a New World,” in clear reference to the voyage of Cristopher Columbus, which began, however, 3 August 1492, after the Pope had already died.