BeYonD. The gaze beyond the gaze

BeYonD. Lo Sguardo oltre lo Sguardo, ATB Art Gallery, Torino


From 23 Ottobre 2014 to 18 Novembre 2014


Place: ATB Art Gallery

Address: via Della Rocca 14/d

Times: Monday to Friday 10.30 am - 01 pm / 4-6 pm; Saturday and other hours by appointment

Responsibles: Alessandro Allocco

Ticket price: free entrance

Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 8178426

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ATB Art Gallery will host from October 23 to November 18 2014 the exhibition "BeYonD. The gaze beyond the gaze" Featured artists: Sandra Baruzzi, Sabrina White, Claudio Bellino, Enrico Ciotti, Tonia Cupertino, Pierluigi Olivieri, Nadia Villani care and critical texts by Alexander Allocco. The paint: starting from 18 hours of Thursday, October 23, 2014 with the presentation of the collection of poems "To Carmina Quaero" the excellent poet Paola Novaria already in the title, cultured and refined, reveals the density of the meanings of "quaerere" in anthology: deep research, investigation on himself, on the other, on the beyond as a place beyond where everyone has something to find.
The artists of "Beyond - looking beyond the eye," are united by their common ability to go "beyond" with emotions, signs, reflections and colors, always away from the mannerism of the figure and projected towards a future of vivid beauty through art .
The climbing, the cultural leveling, the fierce attachment to externals have become almost dogma of contemporary society. The dream sets us apart: in the parallel reality that anything can happen and nothing is as it seems; everything is lived intensely, without filters, freedom of expression and storytelling. In the dream is enclosed in a very personal moment, concealed from the world until you decide to share it.
All artists in the show have decided to share the most precious stirs in them: look beyond all that, by dint of being watched, is too little observed. Not only are the eyes that allow us to look at, but our mind that the particular observed trace a careful and detailed description.
Tell with images, colors, field, playground surfaces and the sharing of emotions, sharing of the other to their own experience, the courage of the author to get naked that shines through their works.