Bosch room

Accademia Galleries

Hieronymus Bosch’s paintings are notable for their disturbing moods and powerful expressive content. The three works at Gallerie dell'Accademia, comprising several oil panels, are no exception. These are: the Visions of the hereafter (in the Uffizi in Florence until September 2013), depicting the Terrestrial paradise, the Ascent of the blessed, the Fall of the damned, and Hell; the Martyrdom of St Julia, a triptych dedicated to the martyr who, so legend has it, was condemned to the agony of crucifixion by her own father, the King of Portugal; and the Hermit saints triptych, which portrays Saints Anthony, Jerome and Giles. The panels come from the Doge’s Palace in Venice, although they originally belonged to Cardinal Domenico Grimani (1461 - 1523), who bequeathed them to the lagoon city in his will in 1523. 