Correr Museum
Venezia, Piazza San Marco, San Marco 52
- Address: Piazza San Marco, San Marco 52
- E-Ticketing WWW:
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: +39 041 2405211
- Opening: every day from March 26 to october 31:
10am -7pm (ticket office 10am-6pm)
every day from november 1st to March 25:
10am-5pm (ticket office 10am-4pm)
closed on:
december 25th
January 1st
entrance: napoleonic Wing, Monumental Staircase - Price: St. Mark’s Square Museums Ticket: a single ticket valid for the doge’s Palace and the combined itinerary of Museo correr, Museo archeologico nazionale and Monumental Rooms of the Biblioteca nazionale Marciana. This ticket is valid for 3 months and grants one single admission to the doge’s Palace and the combined itinerary.
Full price: 19 €
Reduced price 12 € (id is required):
children aged from 6 to 14; students aged from 15 to 25; coordinators (max. 2) for groups of children or students (min. 10); citizens over 65; staff of the Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali e per il Turismo (MiBacT); holders of the Venice Rolling card; Fai members.
Free entrance (id is required):
Venetian citizens and residents; icoM members; children aged from 0 to 5; disabled people with helper; authorized guides and interpreters accompanying groups or individual visitors; for groups of at least 15 people, 1 free entrance (only with prior booking); MuVe ordinary partners; Servizio civile volunteers; MuVe Friend card holders.
Family offer:
For families of two adults and at least one child (aged 6 to 18). Reduced ticket for all the family members.
School offer (valid from September 1st to March 15th):
5.50 € per person for students of all schools levels accompanied by their teachers; a list of the students’ names must be provided by the school.
The cumulative ticket for the permanent collections of the Musei civici of Venice currently open and for those connected (Palazzo Fortuny and clock Tower not included). This ticket is valid for 6 months and grants one single admission to each museum.
Full price: 24 €
Reduced 18 €
Family Museum Pass offer:
1 pass full price, the others at reduced tariff, for families of two adults and at least one child (aged 6 to 18).
School Museum Pass offer:
10 € per person (valid from September 1st to March 15th): for students of all schools levels accompanied by their teachers; a list the students’ names must be provided by the school. - Transportation: Lines 1, 2, n (stop S. Marco Vallaresso)
Lines 2, 10, a, B (stop S. Marco Giardinetti)
Lines 1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 19, 20, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, B, n (stop S. Marco S. Zaccaria)
It is the museum of the city and the civilization of Venice featuring an outstanding collection of masterpieces and historical evidence. It is named after Teodoro Correr (1750-1830) who bequeathed to the city his collections of objects depicting the history of Venice. First housed in his palace, in 1880 it was moved to Fondaco dei Turchi, specifically restored, and then to its current seat of Procuratie Nuove (1922). The arrangement of the Museum was curated by the famous architect Carlo Scarpa in two stages.
It is the museum of the city and the civilization of Venice featuring an outstanding collection of masterpieces and historical evidence. It is named after Teodoro Correr (1750-1830) who bequeathed to the city his collections of objects depicting the history of Venice. First housed in his palace, in 1880 it was moved to Fondaco dei Turchi, specifically restored, and then to its current seat of Procuratie Nuove (1922). The arrangement of the Museum was curated by the famous architect Carlo Scarpa in two stages.
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