Auditorium Parco della Musica
Roma, Via Pietro de Coubertin 30
- Artist: Renzo Piano
- Location: Roma, Via Pietro de Coubertin 30
- Date: 1995 - 2002
- Address: Via Pietro de coubertin 30
- E-Ticketing WWW:
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: 06 802411
- Booking E-Mail:
- Booking phone#: 06 802411
- Opening: opening: from Monday to Sunday
Time: 11-20 - Transportation: Tram: line 2d
Bus:lines 910, 53, 217 - Visit lasts: 1 hour (about)
Inaugurated in 2002, it is the large multifunctional cultural center designed byRenzo Piano for the city of Rome. The complex is made up of three large blocks in the form of a “scarab” covered by sheets of lead and arranged around a large open-air theatre (holding about 3000 spectators). The three interior halls are Sala Sinopoli, Sala Santa Cecilia, Sala Petrassi. During the work, the remains of a roman villa from the Sixth Century B.C. were found, that had been abandoned around the Third Century A.D., visible today in a specially created museum inside the complex.
Inaugurated in 2002, it is the large multifunctional cultural center designed byRenzo Piano for the city of Rome. The complex is made up of three large blocks in the form of a “scarab” covered by sheets of lead and arranged around a large open-air theatre (holding about 3000 spectators). The three interior halls are Sala Sinopoli, Sala Santa Cecilia, Sala Petrassi. During the work, the remains of a roman villa from the Sixth Century B.C. were found, that had been abandoned around the Third Century A.D., visible today in a specially created museum inside the complex.
THINGS TO KNOW: The domes designed by architect Renzo Piano has been likened to the great armadillo
Recommended by: Claudio Strinati
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