Galleria Tartaglia
Flaminio, Parioli, Villa Borghese

- Location: Galleria Tartaglia
- Address: Via 20 Settembre 98
- Phone#: 06 4884234
- Opening: Hours: from Monday to Friday 9:30a.m./1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m./7:30p.m.
Saturday open for exhibits or by appointment
Closed Sundays and holidays - Visit lasts: 3 hours e 20 minutes (about)
- Services:
The Tartaglia Arte Gallery was opened in 1951 when the studio of the master Piero Tartaglia, known by the name Pierry, filled with young talent under the guidance of the master and these artists became known in their own right, Not only was the school of Disgregazionismo founded, but a series of galleries as well, currently run by the artist's son Riccardo, where one can purchase the work of the artist and his students.