Lorenzo Lotto
Venice 1480 ca - Loreto 1556 ca

© Arte.it
| Lorenzo Lotto, Presunto Autoritratto, Particolare, 1540, Olio su pannello, 35 × 43 cm, Madrid, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Lorenzo Lotto, (b. c. 1480, Venice [Italy]—d. 1556, Loreto, Papal States), late Renaissance Italian painter known for his perceptive portraits and mystical paintings of religious subjects. He represents one of the best examples of the fruitful relationship between the Venetian and Central Italian (Marche) schools.
In the earlier years of his life, he lived at Treviso, and, although he was influenced by the Venetians Giovanni Bellini and Antonello da Messina, he always remained somewhat apart from the main Venetian tradition. His earliest dated pictures, the Madonna and St. Peter Martyr ...
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