Umberto Boccioni
Reggio Calabria 19/10/1882 - Verona 17/08/1916

Umberto Boccioni (19 October 1882 – 17 August 1916) was an Italian painter and sculptor. Like other Futurists, his work centered on the portrayal of movement (dynamism), speed, and technology. He was born in Reggio Calabria, Italy.
A native of Reggio Calabria, Boccioni studied art through the Scuola Libera del Nudo at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome, beginning in 1901. He also studied design with a sign painter in Rome. Together with his friend Gino Severini, he became a student of Giacomo Balla, a divisionist painter. In 1906, Boccioni studied Impressionist and Post-Impressionist ...
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Works of art
Forme uniche nella continuità dello spazio
Museo del Novecento -
Sviluppo di una bottiglia nello spazio
Museo del Novecento