Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Naples 07/12/1598 - Rome 28/11/1680

| Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Autoritratto, 1623 circa, Olio su tela, 38 x 30 cm, Galleria Borghese, Roma | Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Gian Lorenzo Bernini (also spelled Gianlorenzo or Giovanni Lorenzo; 7 December 1598 — 28 November 1680) was an Italian artist who worked principally in Rome. He was the leading sculptor of his age and also a prominent architect. In addition he painted, wrote plays, and designed metalwork and stage sets.
A student of Classical sculpture, Bernini possessed the unique ability to capture, in marble, the essence of a narrative moment with a dramatic naturalistic realism which was almost shocking. This ensured that he effectively became the successor of Michelangelo, far outshining other sculptors ...
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