Dominic Michel. Then, Oh Then, Oh Then

Dominic Michel, Trance, 2023


From 14 Settembre 2023 to 04 Novembre 2023


Place: Istituto Svizzero

Address: Via del Vecchio Politecnico 3

Times: Wednesday/Friday: 11:00-17:00 Thursday: 11:00-20:00 Saturday: 14:00-18:00


  • Con il sostegno di Aargauer Kuratorium

Ticket price: free entrance

Telefono per informazioni: +39 02 76016118

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Official site:

Dominic Michel moves light-footedly between different media. In his sculptural works, spatial interventions, or videos, he addresses contemporary consumer culture and its visual language. For his solo exhibition at Istituto Svizzero in Milan, Then, Oh Then, Oh Then, he has explored the economically strong north of Italy and the urban reminiscences of the boom – the triangle of Turin, Milan and Genoa was long dominated by the textile, automotive, chemical, and manufacturing industries. For Dominic Michel, the works produced for the exhibition – a large installation in the form of a chain of lights and screen prints with the motif of a discarded and converted locomotive – carry narratives and symbols from this past and at the same time a reference to contemporary consumer culture and its traces in urban space. The artist borrows the exhibition title from a poem by the Scottish filmmaker and author Margaret Tait: Then, Oh Then, Oh Then as a nostalgic sigh, as the breath of the locomotive, as the rhythmic Morse code of a flashing chain of lights.

Opening reception: 14.09.2023 H18:30